Thursday, April 11, 2013

I'm so so Touching.........

Tadik terserempak dengan parent yang pegi makan bawak baby kecik yang baru lahir....huhu.Bila tgk je baby tu terus hati tersentuh sebab terus teringat my Amoy dulu....wohohooooooo sekeras2 hati wa tetap tersentuh ok dengan perkara2 mcm tu ! see ? betapa rapuhnya hati wa ni kat dalam ?? kehkehkehkeh. Tapi memang rase sayu tiba2 bile tgk lame2 baby tu..terasa sangat yang mcm my Amoy baru jek lahir semalam. Ai ni silap2 bole meraung ok depan parent tu kalo tgk lebih dari 10 minit !! Terus Ai buat2 bizi nak pilih makanan...huhuhu. Pandai kan nak kaver ? hihi...tapi dalam hati menanges ko tau ?? sedih plak tetibe. Bersyukurnya sebab dapat menjadi seorang Mommy pada anak kecil tu..Betapa bersyukurnya dapat jadik ibu bapa yang membesarkan darah daging sendiri dengan penuh kasih sayang....owhhhhhhhhhhh sayer terharuuuuuuuuuuuuuu !!! Sekian......* mate mula bergenang dah ni...nyampah hokeyyyyyyyyyy

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

My Amoy Turn To Month 8 ;)))

Sad ???? Uh Yes!!!! Who wouldn't be sad? You just miss those memories when they were little..Watched them go from Bottle to Sippy Cup...From needing you to being independent..From no food to food!!! From being held to walking....I mean so much has happened in a year and it went by fast...Its normal to be sad...I got sad when looking to My Amoy !!! & I realized she is not my little baby anymore but my big girl !!!! .Memories! My Amoy will be a year for the next 4 months & I don't know where the past month went ;(((. I was going through all my pics & video of her from day 1 & it made me sad because that "new baby" stage went so fast !! * Only a MOM knows......& now my eyes get glassy...............Uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !!;((((

The best part about being a Mom is knowing you put this child in the world. The unconditional love is always there and you always have a best friend. My daughter is the world to me! :)

** Hokeyyy......Mode : EMO hari ni...huhuhu....I am Totally Cry !!! ;(